Macrobiotic diet basics,
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The purpose of this site is to introduce basic Macrobiotic diet principles, recipes and menu planning.
I hope you enjoy it!
Topics include:
- Seven Essential Components of a Macrobiotic diet and where to find them;
- Expansive and Contractive Forces;
- The Five Element Theory;
- The Theory of Acid and Alkaline;
- How to organize a menu plan;
- Recipes and seasonal menu plans;
These are only brief explanations that invite you to study further.
My sincerest thanks to the many teachers who shared their knowledge over the years, including Karen Acuff in Sweden who taught me how to incorporate the Five Elements into a delicious menu plan, and to Lisa Ahbel for her encouragement and ideas.
I hope this website supports you on your path towards health and vitality. Please remember to chew well, exercise regularly, drink pure water, have compassion and be grateful for every experience.
Happy Cooking!
Cooking For Health and Vitality
The Seven Essential Components
Beginning with the basics, we see that according to Western Nutritional Theory, the human body needs seven components for health and vitality: carbohydrates, proteins, fats/oils, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and water.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body.
Simple carbohydrates (commonly referred to as simple sugars) include white sugar, honey, corn syrup, and fructose. Simple sugars are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. This quick absorption might give a burst of energy, but it's often followed by an energy 'crash'. Over time, the demand for insulin -the hormone that regulates blood sugar balance- can stress the pancreas. Insulin is also known as the 'fat storage hormone' so the consumption of sugar, demanding the release of insulin, has been linked to obesity.
Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and vegetables. These are absorbed slowly into the bloodstream, giving the body consistent energy and not stressing the pancreas with immediate demands for insulin.
Proteins form the major solid matter of our muscles, organs, glands, bones, teeth, skin, nails, and hair. Protein, in fact, is necessary for the building and repairing of all body tissues. Proteins are made up of twenty-two building blocks called amino acids. Nine amino acids are called 'essential' because the body can not produce them. They must be absorbed from food.
Next: Our nutritional needs
(Proteins continued) 
